Thursday, February 16, 2012

War on Clutter

We're at war at the Madden house. It's a war on paper clutter. We had been losing, sure we'd win a battle here or there, but stacks of paper were on just about every surface of my kitchen counters. Then earlier this week I helped my oldest clear out several months of graded papers from his book bag. Wonder how that happened? I've decided I (we) need to set a better example.

See, I use to be so organized. Once upon a time, my tables were all clear, my files were all updated and in there proper places and I could tell you where to find things. Now horizontal space is fair game for stacking "stuff", my files are in boxes waiting to be dealt with and I may know where something is, but I have to be the one to get it. I can't just tell you where it is. (This makes my husband a little crazy.)

Now you may be thinking, "of course you have lots of paper. You have several kids in school and two home businesses." This is true, but I really believe it doesn't mean we have to live in a state of CHAOS! I do not expect my house to look like a page out of Better Homes and Gardens. But I think in our crazy schedule a little more organization could bring us some peace. I've been reading "Absolutely Organize Your Family: Simple Solutions to Control Clutter, Schedules &Spaces"

It has some good ideas, some of which we've already done. Like start planning our summer calendar, granted some of that was from necessity. Camp enrollment already started and these camps fill quickly. By having our swim meets and other activities already on the calendar we could see when a good week would be for us. Other ideas just won't work for us, and that's ok. It's not about following someone else's plan, but finding a balance that works for us. I've done Flylady I really liked it. I felt like I got things done, my house was presentable and I liked the "you can do anything for 15 minutes" concept. Just not sure it's completely for us either.

Bottom line. Somethings gotta give around here! I spent yesterday getting rid of the paper clutter in my kitchen, it felt great! The kids pitched in getting rid of papers that weren't important to them. I know it's going to be important to have their help completing and maintaining this process. We believe in chores around here. And no they don't get allowance for them. But that's another post altogether.

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