Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Taxing Issue

Every year I do this....January comes we start getting our tax information and I panic. I'm not even close to ready. Yes I know I have until April to get done, but I don't want to be worrying about my taxes in the last few weeks of pregnancy!  I have several boxes of receipts waiting for me to enter into my daycare accounting program. I spend hours getting all the information into my computer, I vow to NEVER get behind like that again. But I spend so much time catching up on the previous year, I want nothing to do with keeping up with the current one. Vicious cycle!  Don't get me wrong, I'm not behind on everything. I have all my parents invoices and W4s ready to go. I do know how much I was paid last year. But my expenses....well...I'll have to get back to you on that.

I know myself well, I love lists. I make them all the time. I even keep a pad of paper by my bed so that I can make them if when I wake up in the middle of the night and just can't sleep until I get all that needs to be done out of my head! I tend to make my lists too long, too detailed, I get focused too much on one huge project, get bogged down.  I know that if I just concentrate on just a couple of things a day I'll still get to cross things off my list and will actually get somewhere in the process.  In comes my new project, weekly goals.

So here are my goals for this week.
1. Spend 30 min a day entering in receipts.
2. Complete 2 loads of laundry a day. (this means folded AND put away)
3. Complete one of the other smaller tasks listed below each day.
     a. Freezer meal cooking in an hour. This week I'll be making waffles, Asian Chicken and lasagna. (if you              don't know what I'm talking about check out
     b.Complete curtains for downstairs.
     c. Plan next weeks menu.
     d. Update family calendar in kitchen.
     e. Print off and mail W4s to daycare parents.

So there you have it! I'll check back next week with how I did and what my plans are for the next week!

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