Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer Reflection Part 3

July was much more relaxed. While practices continued the only camp was an all day camp at church the older 4 participated in. They learned a lot about the rosary and it was a chance for them to get to see some of their friends again.

 But of course it was HOT. A couple of times we were concerned our air conditioner has going to go out all together. Thankfully we were just able to get away with a quick service call. We'll cross our fingers again for next year.

Corbin's inhibitor is holding steady right now, so that's kind of frustrating, but there's really nothing I can do just keep waiting for now.

July marked the end of my first college class in 13 years! Yes you heard right I took Nutrition this summer. After much praying and talking things over I've decided to pursue a career change. I'm taking my prerequisites to apply to nursing school.

Looking Forward

This older kids went back to school this week. I am so happy for them. It seemed the closer the first day got the more fighting I heard. They are all happy with their teachers (so am I!) and right now they are excited to start the school year.

The start of school also means the start of soccer season. Once again we are super busy with Jody coaching tennis, two swimming and this year we have three playing soccer. Our calendar scares me sometimes, but thankfully we have lots of people who have offered to help chauffeur kids around.

My classes started again last week. I am feeling a bit of a panic trying to get the kids ready for school, keep the house in some sort of order and keep up with my homework. I'm confident that once I get a routine it will be much better. Oh and did I mention I've taken up running?

I ran my first 5k it was ok. I'm still not really excited about running but I am really looking forward to trying to improve my time. I've also been enjoying the time on my own, it's kind of nice to have 30-45 minutes of quiet. Sometimes Clare goes with me so it's also really nice to get some special time with her.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Reflections Part 2

For me the highlight of summer was our vacation to Seattle to see family. I've never been to that part of the country and since we were also going across the border to Canada I wanted another stamp for the passport!  The day after Kolbe and Clare got home from camp we loaded up, headed to KC and hopped a plane to Seattle. Yes, we flew with 7 children.

Packing meds for the boys was an interesting experience. We've traveled with factor before, but Corbin requires more than just a box of factor and a needle. We did get stopped in security, but it was because we had forgotten to take Corbin's cup of apple juice out of the back pack before it went through the machine. We later found we left a small bag of supplies at security.
This is all the gear for two boys three doses each.

Of course we did all the touristy things you do in Seattle. Went to the Space needle and the market, rode the monorail and of course ate seafood!
Kolbe and Emily at the top of the Space Needle.
Clare looking up at Space Needle.

We loaded up 3 cars took 11 kids under 12, and 6 adults and headed north. The kids enjoyed "going out of the country" as part of vacation. We managed to keep our caravan together and crossing the border with some of my kids and husband in one care and me and the rest in another without a problem!
Lions Gate Bridge.

We made a stop at Stan Lee Park to play on a beach. The Capallanos Bridges were amazing and they kids did awesome with all the walking.

This picture doesn't really do justice to the size of this suspension bridge. 
Glass deck on the Cliff walk. I was really impressed (or scared) of how well Corbin did on this.

The next day we visited the Aquarium complete with our matching T-shirts!  This is part of our group after the Beluga Whale show, we sat in the splash zone. Do you know what happens when a whale waves good bye? You get wet!

Corbin and I got just a little wet! He was not excited!

Kolbe and Clare with the penquins.

Corbin and starfish.
Of course we have many, many more pictures this would be the longest post ever if I included them all! It was so nice to spend time with our nieces and their parents too! We had such a great time and it was really hard to leave the beautiful weather and come home to temps over 100!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer reflections part 1

With school just a few weeks away and many teachers (including my husband!) going back to work I decided to take a moment and look back at our crazy, lazy summer.

June seemed to be all about camps. Kolbe and Clare continued to swim competitively all summer joined by the three younger girls going to the team "swim school". Becca has advanced far enough that she is also able to race and competed in two meets this summer. The first was a short course 25 meter pool the second was a long course (Olympic sized) 50 meter pool.  In her second meet Becca was disqualified from the 50 backstroke because she was too close to the lane line and pushed off of it. She was pretty upset, but we have a sure fire way to help her feel better.
We have a tradition that DQ  means Dairy Queen!
Rebecca was probably the busiest kid in June. She and Clare had basketball camp at Hayden (the high school Jody teaches at) followed by swimming the first week of June. The next week she had soccer camp with Emily and Katie in the morning with swimming in the afternoon. She slept really well those weeks!

I didn't think to take any pictures of them at these camps. This is Katie's first year to be able to go to soccer camp she's looking forward to playing this fall. Special thanks to Grandma Karen for helping us get everyone around!

We were very blessed to be able to send Kolbe and Clare to Camp Kateri again this year. It is such an amazing place and the kids make lots of new friends from all over. They both said one of their favorite parts was making it to the top of the rock wall. They are both already looking forward to next year!

Photo courtesy of Prairie Star Ranch.
Photo courtesy of Prairie Star Ranch.